Makes drive-to-drive data migration a breeze
May 19, 2005, South San Francisco, CA Acronis, Inc., the technological leader in storage management software, announced that it has released Acronis Migrate Easy 7.0, the latest in its family of data migration tools. The product's primary purposes are to clone an old hard disk drive to a new one, allow the user to install new hard disk drive as a boot disk or as an additional storage device, and to re-deploy old hard disks.
Among the new features in this release are a new user interface similar to that of the company's flagship product Acronis True Image 8.0; the addition of a new disk wizard that helps a user to partition and format a new disk; and better hardware support for parallel ATA (IDE), serial ATA (SATA) and the Small Computer System Interface (SCSI). The software also is able to wipe data from an old drive after the data has been moved to the new drive and verified as being usable.
"Although the full feature base of Acronis Migrate Easy already has been incorporated into our flagship Acronis True Image disk imaging and backup software, users have continued to ask us for an upgrade to our dedicated data migration tool," said Max Tsypliaev. "Acronis Migrate Easy 7.0 is a response to that request. In addition, Acronis also has upgraded its OEM version of Acronis Migrate Easy for systems and disk drive manufacturers.
"Strategically, Acronis Migrate Easy 7.0 underscores our commitment to provide the storage and systems management tools that consumers, businesses, and drive vendors require. Whereas three years ago you would normally find a 20 GB disk drive in an off-the-shelf consumer computer, today you'll typically find a 160 GB drive in those systems. Users with older systems and companies that need to upgrade storage but don't want to replace their entire desktop inventory recognize data migration as a cost-effective and natural approach."
"The response to the upgrades in Acronis True Image has been tremendous," said Stephen Lawton, director of marketing at Acronis. "When we incorporated the data migration features from Acronis Migrate Easy into our backup and disaster recovery software, we added significant value to the Acronis True Image product line value that has not been lost on those with disaster recovery needs. However, as the price of high-capacity disk drives continues to fall, users and manufacturers are demanding a dedicated migration tool, so we are upgrading Acronis Migrate Easy to meet this burgeoning need.
"The software will be available as a download from our Web store and, of course, to our hardware OEM partners," Lawton added. "Providing quality software and value to our customers is our first priority. Offering Acronis Migrate Easy as a stand-alone product addresses that requirement."
Suggest list price of Acronis Migrate Easy 7.0 is $39.99. It is available at
アクロニスは、マネージドサービスプロバイダー(MSP)、中小企業(SMB)、およびエンタープライズ企業のIT部門向けに、ネイティブに統合されたサイバーセキュリティ 、データ保護、およびエンドポイント管理を提供するグローバルなサイバープロテクション企業です。アクロニスの効率性に優れたソリューションは、最小限のダウンタイムで最新のサイバー脅威を特定、防止、検出、対応、修復、復元し、データの完全性とビジネスの継続性を確保するように設計されています。 アクロニスは、多様で分散したIT環境のニーズを満たす独自の機能により、MSP向けに市場で最も包括的なセキュリティソリューションを提供しています。
アクロニスは2003年にシンガポールで設立されたスイス企業です。アクロニスは、世界15か所のオフィスと50カ国以上で拠点を擁しており、Acronis Cyber Protectソリューションは150カ国に26言語で提供され、2万社を超えるサービスプロバイダーで利用されており75万社を超える企業を保護しています詳細はwww.acronis.comをご参照ください。