
Ace Computer Named Innovation Winner for Consumer Electronics Show

Media Server Boasts 3 Tb of Storage, Touch-Screen Monitor, and Acronis True Image Software for Backup and Disaster Recovery

January 11, 2006, LAS VEGAS — Ace Computers/Ace Digital home (http://www.acedigitalhome.com), a nationally recognized systems builder dedicated to providing customers with the latest technology customized to meet their needs, announced that its LHS IIHD Limited Media Server won a Best of Innovation Award for the 2006 Consumer Electronics Show.

The honor, in the Integrated Home Systems Category, is among the top honors available at what has become on of the nation's most influential technology trade shows. Some 2,400 exhibitors and approximately 140,000 attended the show.

"Being named as Best in Innovation represents not only a huge honor, but also validates that building a best-of-class system means selecting the best hardware and software," said John Samborski, vice president of Ace Computers. "From a hardware perspective, we used the new Intel Viiv technology platform along with a Best of the Best level of components, starting with the Intel Pentium D processor, combined with ISF-certified graphics from ATI, 2 GB of DDR2 RAM, and of to 3 TB of disk storage using SATA II disk drives. We use LightScribe, multilayer DVD burners with options for Blu-Ray and HD DVD when available, four TV tuners (two of which are HDTV), Dolby Master Studio-certified audio and a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse.

"Since this is a media center system, we used Microsoft Windows XP Media Center operating system, but we went a step further," Samborski said. "We realize that users will be putting their memories and favorite films on this computer, so we configured the disk storage as 50 percent of user data and 50 percent for backing up the system using the Ace 3D backup system we originally developed for the US Navy for backup up servers on submarines. We also preinstalled Acronis True Image 9.0, the latest version of the award-winning disk imaging software, to ensure that users have a reliable, built-in backup system.

"Great hardware alone isn't enough; a truly outstanding system uses only the best hardware and software that is preconfigured to provide a superior entertainment experience," Samborski continued.

"With a more than 1,000 entries from 160 companies, the Innovations program continues to grow in size and prestige year after year," said Gary Shapiro, president and CEO of Consumer Electronics Association, the organization that sponsors the CES show. "Innovations has become a hallmark for the best designed products in consumer technology and we are excited to showcase this year's honorees at the 2006 International CES."

"Acronis is proud to support Ace Computers and congratulates the company on its well-deserved recognition for innovation," said Stephen Lawton, director of marketing for Acronis. "The LHS IIHD Limited Media Server not only is an achievement in advanced hardware, but ACE also had the foresight to recognize that users need to back up their media files. By building the capability directly into the system, it makes backup simple and convenient."

About Ace Computer

Ace Computers was founded in 1983 and its headquarters is in Arlington Heights, IL. Ace is a seasoned IT player and is a VARBusiness "Top 500" member, ranked as the 16th largest systems builder in the nation. Ace can be reached by calling 877-ACE-COMP (877-223-2667) or by visiting www.acedigitalhome.com.

About Acronis, Inc.

Acronis offers storage management solutions that are technically advanced for mission-critical applications but easy to use. The company provides disaster recovery, backup and restore, partitioning, boot management, privacy, data migration, and other storage management products for enterprises, corporations and consumers of any qualification. Acronis has offices in the United States, Europe and Asia and sells its products through retail outlets, resellers and on the Web. For additional information, please visit www.acronis.com or contact Marketing Manager Kayla Fedorowicz at media_jp@acronis.com.

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Katya Turtseva
VP of Communications